In early 2020, I asked myself if I was at the point of no return. I was tired and depressed-like, I didn’t sleep, I couldn’t concentrate, I was eating horribly, I gained 25 lbs. so easily, I was starting to have unhealthy physical symptoms and I had become somewhat withdrawn from my usual social self… I really didn’t care about things like I had before. And don’t even get me started on how my skin […]

Ladies, not only do we have to deal with menopause, we have to be extra careful when it comes to Covid-19. There’s a way to help your immune function work at maximum levels to resist disease. In less than 60 days you will feel better than you have in the past 10 years by adopting an Active Wellness lifestyle. I found it hard to believe I would ever have energy like I did when

Attention! Women 50-60 Years Old You Gotta Read This…GoRead More